A project by PAE Aktionslabor e.V. (formerly PAErsche Aktionslabor e.V.)With the project “artikulationsprozesse”, 4 international and local artists of the PAE Aktionslabor in Cologne-Kalk create a series of encounters between language and movement through performance art.
20.09.2024 from 4 - 6 pm Presentation in the district library Kalk.
21.09.2024 from 1 - 5 pm Solo Performances, meeting point Kalk District Library.
22.09.2024 from 2 - 3 pm group performance at Stadtgarten Kalk.
브라질 스트랭글로스코프 실험영화제
image. Gustaf Broms
The 2nd issue seeks to contemplate an uncertain future based on reality-based clues such as 'symptom, index, and speculation'. Considering the contemporary reality of global change and crisis, the potential events and situations around us catch signs in various ways and predict an absent but therefore possible future. As an intermediary in that process, it may be necessary to identify the index that exists in the flow between the manifestation and the future. The authors participating in the 2nd issue contribute their research and fictional stories as keen observers and active interpreters of these signs. The authors of 2nd issue are artist Gustaf Broms, visual artist Lee Soyo and novelist Jeon Hayoung.
Funding support for the 2nd issue of Moving Image is provided by ARTS COUNCIL KOREA
Asian Artist Moving Image Platform
아시아 아티스트 무빙이미지 플랫폼
Asian Artist Moving Image Platform
The 3rd Curatorial Forum Online Exhibition “Becoming Local”
2021 Experimental Film & Video Festival in Seoul: Ex-Live
2021-09-10 ~ 2021-09-15
Nigel Rolfe, Whiskey Chow, Sarah Cockings/Harriet Fleuriot, Luca Bosani, Rosie Gibbens, Hollie Miller, Yuki Kobayashi, Jade Blackstock, Selina Bonelli, Paula Fitzsimons
Kim Eunjung (EXiS), Yi Soojung -
Jeon Hayoung -
Technical Manager Trailer
Ryu Wonkyu
APPOINTED, Branko Milisković (still from video)
Date: 6 June 2019
Time: 19:00 - 21:00
Venue: Live Art Development Agency, The Garrett Centre, 117A Mansford Street, London, E2 6LX
Tickets: Free, but please RSVP
Image: Umbrella Diaries: The First Umbrella (2018), James Leong
And March is hotting up at Asia-Art-Activism and we're feelin' it!
AAA is pleased to present the second edition of SEA Currents from 8-10 March 2019. This year, the programme will include performances, film screenings, presentations and panel discussions brought to you by international and London-based curators and artists.
Jade Montserrat, No Need for Clothing (Cooper Gallery/DJCAD, 2017). Photo by Jacquetta Clark
Dates: 15 September - 4 October 2018
Venue: Grizedale, Ambleside, The Lake District, LA22 0QJ, UK
Lumen are pleased to announce an exhibition at Grizedale Project Space, The Lake District from 15 September - 4 October 2018.
Lumen held a 3 day residency in Grizedale, the Lake District from 6-8 July 2018. Lumen spent 3 days in Grizedale, responding to the naturally dark skies of the forest. During this residency, Lumen were particularly keen to highlight the importance of preserving dark sky areas, raising awareness of the ecological problems caused by light pollution.
Maria Luigia Gioffre, Eunjung Kim, Susan Eyre, Julie Hill, Anthony Carr, Melanie
King, Louise Beer, Rebecca Huxley, Diego Valente and William Arnold.
Image Credit: William Arnold, Julie Hill, Eunjung Kim, Diego Valente and Melanie King
This exhibition is funded by LUSH Charity Pot.
Winter Trails: Remapping Nine Elms
* On-and-off
9 December at 2-4pm
New Union Square, Nine Elms Lane London, SW8 5AF
Part of the Winter Trails: Remapping Nine Elms festival taking place between 18 November and 21 December 2017.
Saturday 11 November
The weekend kicks off on Saturday with An Introduction to CGI for Photographers, a daylong workshop with artist Richard Kolker, where participants will learn how to create a “photograph” in a 3D graphics programme.
From 6pm will be open late for our HYPERANALOGUE PARTY, featuring a live performance of Mechanical Techno by Graham Dunning, as well as Ryan L. Moule’s special darkroom experience. BBKP will be demonstrating their Frankenstinian cameras, and Almudena Romero can create a portrait of you in her CameraScanner studio. You will also have the opportunity to enjoy Look Mum No Computer's synth compositions as well as live art performances by Diego Valente and Eunjung Kim.
You can also get hands-on with Fujifilm’s Instax range, including their Fujifilm Instax SQ-10 Square instant camera and Instax Share SP-2 printer.
Book online £2.50
On the door: £4/2.50 (concess.) or entry with day Exhibition pass
The event is part of our HYPERANALOGUE GEEKENDER, taking place on 11th and 12th November where you can get hands-on with new and old technologies, make a peanut pinhole camera or master the art of making computer generated photographs.
Find out more about the weekend here:
The Photographers' Gallery, 16-18 Ramillies St, Soho, London W1F 7LW
* Eunjung Kim will be performing her piece ‘Untitled; Immersion’ where she will be joined by the artist Boram Moon. Immersion is a minimalistic and static performance which is going to explore the relation of physical movement and the still photographic image.
Diego Valente’s ‘Lightning’ - 18:30
Eujung Kim’s ‘Immersion’ - 20:15
Image: Noëmi Lakmaier & Phill Bedwell pic by Sandrine Vaconnet
Tender Loin #10 by Steakhouse Live
Toynbee Studios (Artsadmin) 28 Commercial Street, E1 6AB London, United Kingdom
5 July at 19:00–22:00
Join us for our regular sell-out Live Art performance event.
Featuring live work from Phill Bedwell & Noëmi Lakmaier, Johanna Linsley & Justin Hunt, Eunjung Kim and Gur-Arie Piepskovits .
Tender Loin is an opportunity to experience artists testing new live works in a laid-back and friendly atmosphere.
£8/£6 concessions.
Venue: Lumen Studios, The Crypt, St John on Bethnal Green, 200 Cambridge Heath Road, E2 9PA.
Date: 1 July 2017, 6pm - 12am.
As part of Art Night 2017 // a free contemporary art festival taking place in exrtraordinary places around east London comprises of more than 70 free projects, for one night only!
July 1, 6pm - midnight, East London
All Art Night events are free and open to all
Map your night
@artnightldn #artnightldn
Art Night 2017 is a collaboration with Whitechapel Gallery and curated by Fatos Üstek.